gdritter repos nml / master Data / NML.hs

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NML.hs @master

-- | NML is a convenient syntax for writing XML documents without
--   the excess line-noise while preserving (for the most part) the
--   semantics and niceties of XML documents. NML was originally
--   proposed by Erik Naggum, and his formulation can be seen at
--   <>.
--   This module exports the types 'NMLPair' and 'NMLElem' from
--   "Data.NML.Parse", which are strictly more expressive than XML.
--   For example, @\<one \<two|three\>\>@ corresponds to the XML fragment
--   @\<one two=\"three\"/\>@, but @\<one \<two\<a|b\>|c\>\>@ has no XML
--   analogue, as attributes cannot recursively possess attributes. This
--   means that functions which render NML to XML generally return an
--   @Either@ type, to account for possible failure.
--   Other modules are provided that expose an interface in terms of
--   the @xml@ package and the @xml-types@ package at
--   "Data.NML.XMLLight" and "Data.NML.XMLTypes", respectively.

module Data.NML
       ( encode
       , decode
       , module Data.NML.Parse
       ) where

import Data.Text (Text, pack)

import Data.NML.Parse

toMaybe :: Either a b -> Maybe b
toMaybe (Right x) = Just x
toMaybe _         = Nothing

-- | Parse an NML fragment as an NML Pair
decode :: Text -> Maybe NMLPair
decode = toMaybe . parseNML

-- | Convert an NML Pair to an NML fragment
encode :: NMLPair -> Text
encode = undefined