gdritter repos pico-ml-old / master

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A minimal statically-typed functional programming language. Not actually an ML. Written entirely in cross-platform C; allows for multiple code generators.

Exhaustive feature list:

  • sums (eager)
  • products (lazy)
  • functions
  • currying
  • closures
  • references
  • implicit values (searched by type, must be unambiguous)
  • libc bindings (incl. malloc)

Maybe looking like

data List a =
  [ Cons a (List a)
  , Nil

map (f : a -> b) (l : List a) : List b =
  case l of
    Cons x xs -> Cons (f x) (map f xs)
    Nil       -> Nil

record Stream a =
  { .head a
  , .tail (Stream a)

mapS (f : a -> b) (s : Stream a) : Stream b =
  { .head = f s.head
  , .tail = mapS f s.tail

record Functor f = { .fmap ((a -> b) -> f a -> f b)  }

implicit listFunctor   : Functor List   = { .fmap = map  }
implicit streamFunctor : Functor Stream = { .fmap = mapS }