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\cventry{2018--Present}{Compiler Engineer}{Groq, Inc.}{Portland,
  OR}{}{Worked on a system for compiling TensorFlow machine learning
  models to a custom ASIC for accelerating inference, with a specific
  emphasis on optimizing speed and memory usage of the compiler

\cventry{2012--2018}{Engineer and Researcher}{Galois, Inc.}{Portland,
  OR}{}{Worked as an engineer and researcher on a wide variety of
  different research projects, notably including the following:%
  \item Built static analysis tools for C on top of the Frama-C
    verification framework which worked in concert with an
    experimental video game front-end designed to enable non-technical
    users to produce proofs of software correctness.
  \item Extended the QEMU hardware emulator to support an experimental
    extended instruction set designed to impede Return-Oriented
    Programming attacks, and patched a compiler tool-chain, Linux
    kernel, and parts of a typical Linux user-land to support this
    architecture in order to facilitate ``practical'' emulated testing
    of its security properties.
  \item Developed the compiler for the experimental Grappa
    probabilistic programming language, designed to compile an
    abstract model specification into a generic representation which
    in turn can be executed using a wide variety of different
    probabilistic techniques.
  \item Patched the CAmkES component framework for the seL4
    microkernel to support Rust projects, and patched preliminary seL4
    support into the Rust standard library for several target

\cventry{2011--2012}{Graduate Teaching Fellow}{University of
  Oregon}{Eugene, OR}{}{Taught various courses at varying levels of
  expertise, ranging from basic introductory material to advanced
  material about programming language theory and operating systems.}

\cventry{2010}{Developer}{Noisy Creatures}{Berkeley, CA}{}{
  Designed and implemented iPad-based video game.}

\cventry{2007-2010}{Tutor}{University of California
  Berkeley}{Berkeley, CA}{}{Tutored students in a one-on-one
  environment to teach a wide variety of programming languages and
  environments. From 2009 to 2010, also worked as Head Tutor,
  developing new curricula, projects, and tests for the center.}

\cventry{2006--2010}{B.A. Linguistics \& equivalent of B.A. Computer Science}{University of California Berkeley}{Berkeley, CA}{}{}
\cventry{2010--2012}{M.S. Computer and Information Science}{University of Oregon}{Eugene, OR}{}{}

\section{Open Source Projects}
\cvitem{\href{}{matterhorn}}{A feature-rich terminal-based client for the Mattermost chat system}
\cvitem{\href{}{s-cargot}}{A flexible and powerful s-expression parsing library}
\cvitem{\href{}{config-ini}}{A bidirectional configuration parsing library}

\cvitem{Proficient with:}{C, Haskell, JavaScript, OCaml, Python, Rust, Scheme, SML, UNIX/Linux}
\cvitem{Some experience with:}{Assembly (x86, x86\_64, ARM), C++, Common Lisp, Erlang, Go, Java, PHP, Ruby, Scala, seL4}
\cvitem{Spoken languages:}{English fluently; some Mandarin, Italian, and Russian}