gdritter repos s-cargot / master Data / SCargot / Language / HaskLike.hs

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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Data.SCargot.Language.HaskLike
  ( -- $info
  , haskLikeParser
  , haskLikePrinter
  , locatedHaskLikeParser
  , locatedHaskLikePrinter
    -- * Individual Parsers
  , parseHaskellString
  , parseHaskellFloat
  , parseHaskellInt
  ) where

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<$))
import           Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import           Data.String (IsString(..))
import           Data.Text (Text, pack)
import           Text.Parsec
import           Text.Parsec.Text (Parser)

import           Prelude hiding (concatMap)

import Data.SCargot.Common
import Data.SCargot.Repr.Basic (SExpr)
import Data.SCargot (SExprParser, SExprPrinter, mkParser, flatPrint)

{- $info

This module is intended for simple, ad-hoc configuration or data
formats that might not need their on rich structure but might benefit
from a few various kinds of literals. The 'haskLikeParser' understands
identifiers as defined by R5RS, as well as string, integer, and
floating-point literals as defined by the Haskell 2010 spec. It does
__not__ natively understand other data types, such as booleans,
vectors, bitstrings.


-- | An atom type that understands Haskell-like values as well as
--   Scheme-like identifiers.
data HaskLikeAtom
  = HSIdent  Text  -- ^ An identifier, parsed according to the R5RS Scheme
                   --   standard
  | HSString Text  -- ^ A string, parsed according to the syntax for string
                   --   literals in the Haskell report
  | HSInt Integer  -- ^ An arbitrary-sized integer value, parsed according to
                   --   the syntax for integer literals in the Haskell report
  | HSFloat Double -- ^ A double-precision floating-point value, parsed
                   --   according to the syntax for floats in the Haskell
                   --   report
    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance IsString HaskLikeAtom where
  fromString = HSIdent . fromString

instance IsString (Located HaskLikeAtom) where
  fromString = (At dLocation) . HSIdent . fromString

-- | Parse a Haskell string literal as defined by the Haskell 2010
-- language specification.
parseHaskellString :: Parser Text
parseHaskellString = pack . catMaybes <$> between (char '"') (char '"') (many (val <|> esc))
  where val = Just <$> satisfy (\ c -> c /= '"' && c /= '\\' && c > '\026')
        esc = do _ <- char '\\'
                 Nothing <$ (gap <|> char '&') <|>
                   Just <$> code
        gap  = many1 space >> char '\\'
        code = eEsc <|> eNum <|> eCtrl <|> eAscii
        eCtrl  = char '^' >> unCtrl <$> upper
        eNum   = (toEnum . fromInteger) <$>
                   (decNumber <|> (char 'o' >> octNumber)
                              <|> (char 'x' >> hexNumber))
        eEsc   = choice [ char a >> return b | (a, b) <- escMap ]
        eAscii = choice [ try (string a >> return b)
                        | (a, b) <- asciiMap ]
        unCtrl c = toEnum (fromEnum c - fromEnum 'A' + 1)

escMap :: [(Char,  Char)]
escMap = zip "abfntv\\\"\'" "\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\\\"\'"

asciiMap :: [(String, Char)]
asciiMap = zip

-- | Parse a Haskell floating-point number as defined by the Haskell
-- 2010 language specification.
parseHaskellFloat :: Parser Double
parseHaskellFloat = do
  n <- decNumber
  withDot n <|> noDot n
  where withDot n = do
          _ <- char '.'
          m <- decNumber
          e <- option 1.0 expn
          return ((fromIntegral n + asDec m 0) * e)
        noDot n = do
          e <- expn
          return (fromIntegral n * e)
        expn = do
          _ <- oneOf "eE"
          s <- power
          x <- decNumber
          return (10 ** s (fromIntegral x))
        asDec 0 k = k
        asDec n k =
          asDec (n `div` 10) ((fromIntegral (n `rem` 10) + k) * 0.1)

power :: Num a => Parser (a -> a)
power = negate <$ char '-' <|> id <$ char '+' <|> return id

-- | Parse a Haskell integer literal as defined by the Haskell 2010
-- language specification.
parseHaskellInt :: Parser Integer
parseHaskellInt = do
  s <- power
  n <- pZeroNum <|> decNumber
  return (fromIntegral (s n))

pZeroNum :: Parser Integer
pZeroNum = char '0' >>
  (  (oneOf "xX" >> hexNumber)
 <|> (oneOf "oO" >> octNumber)
 <|> decNumber
 <|> return 0

pHaskLikeAtom :: Parser HaskLikeAtom
   =  HSFloat   <$> (try parseHaskellFloat <?> "float")
  <|> HSInt     <$> (try parseHaskellInt   <?> "integer")
  <|> HSString  <$> (parseHaskellString    <?> "string literal")
  <|> HSIdent   <$> (parseR5RSIdent <?> "token")

sHaskLikeAtom :: HaskLikeAtom -> Text
sHaskLikeAtom (HSIdent t)  = t
sHaskLikeAtom (HSString s) = pack (show s)
sHaskLikeAtom (HSInt i)    = pack (show i)
sHaskLikeAtom (HSFloat f)  = pack (show f)

-- | This `SExprParser` understands s-expressions that contain
--   Scheme-like tokens, as well as string literals, integer
--   literals, and floating-point literals. Each of these values
--   is parsed according to the lexical rules in the Haskell
--   report, so the same set of string escapes, numeric bases,
--   and floating-point options are available. This spec does
--   not parse comments and does not understand any reader
--   macros.
-- >>> decode haskLikeParser "(0x01 \"\\x65lephant\")"
-- Right [SCons (SAtom (HSInt 1)) (SCons (SAtom (HSString "elephant")) SNil)]
haskLikeParser :: SExprParser HaskLikeAtom (SExpr HaskLikeAtom)
haskLikeParser = mkParser pHaskLikeAtom

-- | A 'haskLikeParser' which produces 'Located' values
-- >>> decode locatedHaskLikeParser $ pack "(0x01 \"\\x65lephant\")"
-- Right [SCons (SAtom (At (Span (line 1, column 2) (line 1, column 6)) (HSInt 1))) (SCons (SAtom (At (Span (line 1, column 7) (line 1, column 20)) (HSString "elephant"))) SNil)]
-- >>> decode locatedHaskLikeParser $ pack "(1 elephant)"
-- Right [SCons (SAtom (At (Span (line 1, column 2) (line 1, column 3)) (HSInt 1))) (SCons (SAtom (At (Span (line 1, column 4) (line 1, column 12)) (HSIdent "elephant"))) SNil)]
locatedHaskLikeParser :: SExprParser (Located HaskLikeAtom) (SExpr (Located HaskLikeAtom))
locatedHaskLikeParser = mkParser $ located pHaskLikeAtom

-- | This 'SExprPrinter' emits s-expressions that contain Scheme-like
--   tokens as well as string literals, integer literals, and floating-point
--   literals, which will be emitted as the literals produced by Haskell's
--   'show' function. This printer will produce a flat s-expression with
--   no indentation of any kind.
-- >>> encode haskLikePrinter [L [A (HSInt 1), A (HSString "elephant")]]
-- "(1 \"elephant\")"
haskLikePrinter :: SExprPrinter HaskLikeAtom (SExpr HaskLikeAtom)
haskLikePrinter = flatPrint sHaskLikeAtom

-- | Ignore location tags when packing values into text
sLocatedHasklikeAtom :: Located HaskLikeAtom -> Text
sLocatedHasklikeAtom (At _loc e) = sHaskLikeAtom e

-- | A 'SExprPrinter' for 'Located' values. Works exactly like 'haskLikePrinter'
--   It ignores the location tags when printing the result.
-- >>> let (Right dec) = decode locatedHaskLikeParser $ pack "(1 elephant)"
-- [SCons (SAtom (At (Span (line 1, column 2) (line 1, column 3)) (HSInt 1))) (SCons (SAtom (At (Span (line 1, column 4) (line 1, column 12)) (HSIdent "elephant"))) SNil)]
-- >>> encode locatedHaskLikePrinter dec
-- "(1 elephant)"
locatedHaskLikePrinter :: SExprPrinter (Located HaskLikeAtom) (SExpr (Located HaskLikeAtom))
locatedHaskLikePrinter = flatPrint sLocatedHasklikeAtom