{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Data.TeLML.Markup where
import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.TeLML
import Text.Blaze.Html
import Text.Blaze.Html5 hiding (map, head, html)
import Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes hiding (name, span)
import Prelude hiding (div, span)
-- | Render a TeLML document with an extra set of possible tags.
renderWith :: [(String, Renderer)] -> Document -> Either String Html
renderWith rs =
fmap (void . sequence) . mapM (renderPara (basicTags ++ rs)) . gatherPara
-- | Render a TeLML document with the default set of tags.
render :: Document -> Either String Html
render = renderWith []
-- This is a gross function, but I'm not sure how to decompose it any
-- other way. It takes a Document---i.e. a set of Fragments---and
-- splits it apart whenever it comes across double newlines.
gatherPara :: Document -> [Document]
gatherPara = reverse . map reverse . go [[]]
where go rs [] = rs
go (r:rs) (t@Tag {}:ts) = go ((t:r):rs) ts
go (r:rs) (Text s:ts) = case splitString s of
[] -> go (r:rs) ts
[x] -> go ((Text x:r):rs) ts
xs -> go (map ((:[]) . Text) (tail xs) ++
((Text (head xs):r) : rs)) ts
go _ _ = error "[unreachable]"
-- Split a string at double-newlines.
splitString :: String -> [String]
splitString = filter (/= "") . go
where go ('\n':'\n':xs) = "\n":go xs
go (x:xs) = let r:rs = go xs in ((x:r):rs)
go "" = [""]
-- This is just to make type signatures shorter
type HtmlE = Either String Html
type Renderer = (Fragment -> HtmlE, [Document]) -> HtmlE
-- The built-in set of tags (subject to change)
basicTags :: [(String, Renderer)]
basicTags =
[ simpleTag "em" em
, simpleTag "strong" strong
, simpleTag "li" li
, simpleTag "h1" h1
, simpleTag "h2" h2
, simpleTag "p" (\ rs -> span ! class_ "para" $ rs)
, simpleTag "blockquote" blockquote
, simpleTag "tt" code
, simpleTag "code" (pre . code)
, simpleTag "ttcom" (\ rs -> span ! class_ "comment" $ rs)
, simpleTag "ttkw" (\ rs -> span ! class_ "keyword" $ rs)
, simpleTag "ttcn" (\ rs -> span ! class_ "constr" $ rs)
, simpleTag "ttstr" (\ rs -> span ! class_ "string" $ rs)
, listTag "ul" ul
, listTag "ol" ol
, listTag "center" (\ rs -> div ! class_ "center" $ rs)
, ("br", \_ -> return br)
, ("comment", \_ -> return "")
, ("link"
, \case (f,[[Text l],r]) -> let go h = a ! href (stringValue l) $ h
in fmap (go . sequence_) (mapM f r)
(_,[_,_]) -> Left "link target should be string"
_ -> Left "wrong arity for link/1"
, ("img"
, \case (_, [[Text l]]) -> return (img ! src (stringValue l))
(_,[_]) -> Left "image target should be string"
_ -> Left "wrong arity for img/1"
where simpleTag :: String -> (Html -> Html) -> (String, Renderer)
simpleTag name tag =
( name
, \case (f,[rs]) -> fmap (tag . sequence_) (mapM f rs)
_ -> Left ("wrong arity for " ++ name ++ "/1")
listTag name tag =
( name
, \case (f,rs) -> fmap (tag . sequence_) (mapM f (concat rs))
-- render a single paragraph
renderPara :: [(String, Renderer)] -> Document -> Either String Html
renderPara taglist ds = fmap (p . sequence_) (mapM go ds)
where go (Text ts) = Right (toMarkup ts)
go (Tag tx rs) = exec tx rs taglist
exec name args ((tag, func):tags)
| name == tag = case func (go, args) of
Right html -> Right html
Left {} -> exec name args tags
exec name args (_:tags) = exec name args tags
exec name args [] = Left $
"Error: no match for tag " ++ name ++ "/" ++ show (length args)