gdritter repos telml-markup / master

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The telml-markup package provides a simple, LaTeX-inspired markup language with the possibility of writing extensible instructions.

This is in early phases, and so should not be relied upon for any kind of stability at this stage. In particular, the set of tags and how they are understood could change radically during development.

Sample Document

\code{telml-markup} uses a mostly HTML-like set of names, so we create
\em{emphasis} with \code{\\em}, \strong{bolding} with \em{\\strong},
and \code{fixed-width text} with \code{\\code}.

One major difference is the \code{\\link} tag, which takes the form
\link{|like this}.

This produces the following rendered HTML:

telml-markup uses an HTML-like set of names, so we create emphasis with \em, bolding with \strong, and fixed-width text with \code.

One major difference is the \link tag, which takes the form \link{url|text}, like this.

Basic Usage

The render function takes a telml document and renders it into the blaze-html Html type, which can then be rendered into HTML. For example, the following is a minimal program which interprets input on stdin and prints the rendered HTML (or an error message) to stdout.

module Main

import Control.Monad ((>=>))
import Data.TeLML (parse)
import Data.TeLML.Markup (render)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import Text.Blaze.Renderer.String (renderMarkup)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  str <- getContents
  case (parse >=> render) str of
    Left err  -> putStrLn err >> exitFailure
    Right doc -> putStrLn (renderMarkup doc)

We could invoke it at the command line like so:

$ ./telml-markup-test <<EOF
> This should be \em{emphasized}.
> This, on the other hand, is \strong{bold}.
<p>This should be<em>emphasized</em>.
</p><p>This, on the other hand, is <strong>bold</strong>.

If we give it an unknown tag, or a tag with the wrong arity, it will give us an error:

$ ./telml-markup-test <<EOF
> This is a \fake{tag}.
Error: no match for tag fake/1
$ ./telml-markup-test <<EOF
> This is a tag with \em{too|many|arguments}.
Error: no match for tag em/3

Extended Usage

The renderWith function takes a list of additional tags and their denotations (in the form of functions from telml fragments to blaze-html fragments.) This allows you to add new tags to the markup for particular purposes.

For example, here we add a tag so that \hello{...} will render out to the HTML string <strong>Hello, ...!</strong>:

module Main where

import Control.Monad ((>=>))
import Data.TeLML (parse)
import Data.TeLML.Markup (Renderer, renderWith)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import Text.Blaze.Html5 (strong, toMarkup)
import Text.Blaze.Renderer.String (renderMarkup)

myTags :: [(String, Renderer)]
myTags =
  [ ("hello", \ c -> case c of
      (render, [name]) -> do
        rName <- mapM render name
        return $ strong $ do
          toMarkup "Hello, "
          sequence_ rName
          toMarkup "!"
      (_, args) -> Left ("Did not match hello/" ++ show (length args))

main :: IO ()
main = do
  str <- getContents
  case (parse >=> renderWith myTags) str of
    Left err  -> putStrLn err >> exitFailure
    Right doc -> putStrLn (renderMarkup doc)

We can execute this to test it:

$ ./telml-markup-extended-test <<EOF
> Now we can do this: \hello{friend}.
<p>Now we can do this: <strong>Hello, friend!</strong>.