gdritter repos telml / master

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This is the repository for both the telml and the telml-markup packages. The former implements a TeX-inspired data format, while the latter uses that data format to implement a lightweight, extensible markup format.

What Is TeLML?

TeLML is a markup language I created for personal projects. You probably don't want to use it! There's a good chance it doesn't cover your use case, it's still subject to breaking changes, it's kind of wonky, and it's probably still very buggy!

Still want to know more? Okay: TeLML is specifically a TeX-inspired markup language that I created because I wanted a markup language that 1. looked pleasant to me and 2. was easy to extend with new constructs. As such, there are two layers to TeLML:

  1. The data layer, which defines how to map a source file to a simple AST. This AST is not inherently associated with any particular semantics, but is rather a tree with a particular constrained shape. This layer is implemented in the telml library.
  2. The markup layer, which defines a common set of interpretations for various AST chunks. This markup layer is HTML-inspired and therefore features basic constructs like emphasis, lists, tables, and images, but is specifically designed to be extended with new, application-specific constructs. This layer is implemented in the telml-markup library.

The data layer is straightforward: it borrows LaTeX syntax in a very rigid, specific way. A document is a sequence of fragments; in turn, a fragment is either a chunk of raw text, or a tag associated with an alphanumeric name and a sequence of documents. A tag takes the form \tag_name{document1|document2|document3|...}. In order to use any of the reserved characters \, {, }, or | in plain text, they should be escaped with a preceeding \ character. Additionally, at the top-level, TeLML files are parsed as a series of documents, split on double-newlines.

This generic framework allows tags to be inserted easily into existing text in a way that's lightweight and natural-looking to a user of something like TeX. This system is, however, more consisten than TeX: for example, all tags have payloads, so standalone TeX commands like \em are not valid documents; all tag names must be followed by curly braces, like \em{}.

The telml-markup library lets you interpret a pretty standard set of tags as HTML, and additionally lets you add new custom tags to the mix. That library is less well-specified, and could probably change radically if I decide I want the semantics of tags to change.

The telml binary (implemented in the telml-bin folder) allows you to easily define your own tags using the Lua programming language. See the documentation there for more details.

Frequently Asked Questions

Nobody has asked me these, but I assume that if someone wanted to ask me questions, they would probably be some of these.


It's my party, and I'll bikeshed if I want to.

Why not Markdown?

Markdown isn't easily extensible, and also it's fraught with edge-cases and difficult to implement in a new language. TeLML is extensible, and it's easy to write a naïve recursive descent parser for it in basically any language.

Why not XML?

I know XML is eXtensible, after all, but—do you want to write XML by hand? Because I don't. Yeah, \em{foo} is more heavyweight than Markdown's _foo_, but it's also a fair bit more lightweight than XML's <em>foo</em>.

Why not ReStructured Text?

Because I didn't know about its extensibility when I started writing TeLML, and now this exists and I use it and I don't really want to switch.

Are there other language implementations?

I have less-polished Scheme and Rust implementations that I haven't put online yet. I'm planning on using the Rust implementation for a project at some point, so it might show up before too long.

Why is your code so bad?

Get bent, pal.

Historical Note

This repository contains a cabal.project file, which facilitates building multiple packages together; this repository had previously been used for just the telml package, and the corresponding telml-markup repository is left but will not be updated.