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# ucspi-hs

[`UCSPI`](, or the Unix Client-Server
Program Interface, is a general interface designed for writing clients
and servers over some network interface. For a given protocol `xproto`,
there should exist `xprotoserver` and `xprotoclient` applications which
handle accepting and connecting to hosts, respectively, before executing
some Unix application. This is a (very small!) library to make writing
such applications simpler in Haskell.

One advantage to writing applications to the `UCSPI` interface is that
it becomes trivial to change the underlying network protocol being used
without modifying the application itself, by switching (for example)
from `tcpserver` to `sslserver`. Another is that very small, clean
network services can be written using these interfaces, because the
network-handling code is abstracted away.

## Sample Client

A client which sends a single line to the server, receives a line
back, prints it to stdout, and exits looks like

import Network.UCSPI (ucspiClient)
import System.IO (hGetLine, hPutStrLn)

main :: IO ()
main = ucspiClient $ \ _ rdH wrH -> do
  hPutStrLn wrH "hello"
  ln <- hGetLine rdH
  putStrLn ln

To test this with a TCP connection, use

tcpclient 9999 runhaskell sampleclient.hs

## Sample Server

A server which receives a line from the client and sends back the
same line before closing the connection looks like

import Network.UCSPI (ucspiServer)

main :: IO ()
main = ucspiServer $ \ _ -> getLine >>= putStrLn

To test this with a TCP connection, use

tcpserver 9999 runhaskell sampleserver.hs