gdritter repos chalcedony-playbooks / master assets / prelude.tex

Tree @master (Download .tar.gz)

prelude.tex @masterraw · history · blame

% \usepackage{hyperref}
\usepackage{fontspec} % For loading fonts




\newcommand{\choice}{\Checkbox{6pt} }

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% margins by default, and it is still possible to overwrite the defaults
% using explicit options in \includegraphics[width, height, ...]{}
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% Redefines (sub)paragraphs to behave more like sections

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\newcommand{\Checkbox}[1]{\tikz{\path[draw=black] (0,0) rectangle (#1,#1);}}

\newcommand{\pbNames}[2]{\g@addto@macro\Names{\par\hangindent=0.2in#1: #2}}

\put (2,4) {\fontsize{16}{40}\selectfont \textcolor{white}{\headingfont #1}}

\put (5,4) {\fontsize{16}{40}\selectfont \textcolor{white}{\headingfont #1}}

\put (3,2) {\fontsize{16}{40}\selectfont \textcolor{white}{\headingfont Gear}}

  \put (1,2) {\fontsize{32}{40}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{white}{#1}}

  \put (1,1) {\fontsize{16}{40}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{white}{#1}}

  % names
  \put(1, 30) {\parbox{4.3in}{\fontsize{12}{12}\Names}}
  % look
  \put(59, 30) {\parbox{3in}{\fontsize{12}{12}\Look}}

  % some stats: damage...
  \put (25,4) {\makebox[0pt]{\fontsize{18}{10}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{black}{D\Damage{}}}}
  % max HP...
  \put (89,6) {\fontsize{6}{8}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{white}{Your max HP is}}
  % and Constitution
  \put (89,4.6) {\fontsize{6}{8}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{white}{\BaseHP{} + Constitution}}

  \put (10,1) {\fontsize{32}{40}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{white}{The \Class}}


\openup -0.2em