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firbolg.tex @masterraw · history · blame

\epigraph{We spent three months tracking the green dragon
before locating the forest in which it sought refuge. On our
second day in that place, we woke to find the dragon's head
placed in the center of our camp. Soveliss told me that
firbolgs must have claimed the forest, and they wanted to
show us we had no further business there. If we lingered, he
assured me, our heads would be next.}{\textit{Gimble, ``Notes from a Treasure Hunter''}}

Firbolg tribes cloister in remote forest strongholds,
preferring to spend their days in quiet harmony with the
woods. When provoked, firbolgs demonstrate formidable
skills with weapons and druidic magic.

\section{Humble Guardians}

Firbolgs love nothing more than a peaceful day spent
among the trees of an old forest. They see forests as
sacred places, representing the heart of the world and
monuments to the durability of life.

In their role as caretakers, firbolgs live off the land
while striving to remain in balance with nature. Their
methods reflect common sense and remarkable resourcefulness.
During a bountiful summer, they store
away excess nuts, fruit, and berries. When winter arrives,
they scatter everything they can spare to ensure
the animals of the wood survive until springtime.
In a firbolg's eyes, there is no greater fault than greed.
The firbolgs believe that the world remains healthiest
when each creature takes only what it needs. Material
goods, especially precious gems and gold, have little
appeal to them. What use are such things when winter
lingers and food runs short?

\section{Natural Druids}

Firbolgs have a talent for druidic magic. Their cultural
reverence for nature, combined with their strong and
insightful minds, makes learning such magic an
instinctive part of their development. Almost every firbolg
learns a few spells, typically those used to mask their
presence, and many go on to master nature magic.
Firbolgs who become druids serve as stronghold leaders.
With every action the tribe takes, the druids weigh
not only the group's needs, but the effect each action will
have on the forest and the rest of the natural world. Firbolg
tribes would rather go hungry than strain the land
during a famine.

\section{Hidden Shepherds}

As caretakers of the land, firbolgs prefer to remain out
of sight and out of mind. They don't try to dominate
nature, but rather seek to ensure that it prospers and
survives according to its own laws.

Firbolgs use their magic to keep their presence in a
forest secret. This approach allows them to avoid the
politics and struggles of elves, humans, and ores. Such
events concern the firbolgs only when the events affect
the forest.

Even in the face of an intrusion, firbolgs prefer a
subtle, gentle approach to prevent damage to their territory.
They employ their magic to make the forest an
unappealing place to explore by temporarily diverting
springs, driving away game, stealing critical tools,
and altering trails to leave hunting or lumber parties
hopelessly lost. The firbolgs' presence is marked by an
absence of animals and a strange quiet, as if the forest
wishes to avoid attracting attention to itself. The faster
travelers decide to move on, the better.

If these tactics fail, the firbolgs take more direct
action. Their observations of a settlement determine
what happens next. If the outsiders seem peaceful, the
firbolgs approach and gently ask them to leave, even
offering food and other supplies to aid their departure.
If those who insist on remaining respect nature, take
only what they need, and live in harmony with the wood,
firbolgs explore the possibility of friendship with them,
as long as the outsiders vow to safeguard the forest. If
the settlers clearly display evil intentions, however, the
firbolgs martial their strength and magic for a single
overwhelming attack.

\section{Outcast Adventurers}

As guardians of the wood, few firbolgs would dream
of leaving their homes or attempting to fit into human
society. An exiled firbolg, or one whose clan has been
destroyed, might not have a choice in the matter. Most
adventuring firbolgs fall into this latter category.
Outcast firbolgs can never return home. They committed
some unforgivable deed, usually something that put
their homeland at risk, such as starting a forest fire or
killing a rare or beautiful wild creature. These firbolgs
are loners who wander the world in hope of finding a
new place to call home.

Orphaned firbolgs are those whose clans or homelands
have been destroyed. They become crusaders for
nature, seeking to avenge their loss and prevent the
further destruction of the natural world.

A few rare firbolgs are entrusted by their clan with an
important mission that takes them beyond their homes.
These firbolgs feel like pilgrims in a strange land, and
usually they wish only to complete their quests and return
home as quickly as possible.

The Firbolg Adventurers table can serve as inspiration
for determining why a firbolg character leaves home.

\subsection{Firbolg Adventurers}
\begin{tabular}{ l | p{2.2in} }
  d8 & Reason for Adventuring \\
  1 & Outcast for murder \\
  2 & Outcast for severely damaging home territory \\
  3 & Clan slain by invading humanoids \\
  4 & Clan slain by a dragon or demon \\
  5 & Separated from the tribe and lost \\
  6 & Homeland destroyed by natural disaster \\
  7 & Personal quest ordained by omens \\
  8 & Dispatched on a quest by tribe leaders \\

\section{Firbolg Names}

Firbolg adopt elven names when they must deal with
outsiders, although the concept of names strikes them
as strange. They know the animals and plants of the
forest without formal names, and instead identify the
forest's children by their deeds, habits, and other actions.
By the same token, their tribe names merely refer to
their homes. When dealing with other races, firbolgs refer
to their lands by whatever name the surrounding folk
use, as a matter of tact and hospitality, but among their
own kind they simply call it "home."

Sometimes firbolgs adopt the nicknames or titles outsiders
give them under the assumption that those who
need names can call them whatever they wish.

\section{Firbolg Traits}

Your firbolg character has the following racial traits.
\item[Ability Score Increase.] Your Wisdom score increases
by 2, and your Strength score increases by 1.

\item[Age.] As humanoids related to the fey, firbolg have long
lifespans. A firbolg reaches adulthood around 30, and
the oldest of them can live for 500 years.

\item[Alignment.] As people who follow the rhythm of nature
and see themselves as its caretakers, firbolg are
typically neutral good. Evil firbolg are rare and
are usually the sworn enemies of the rest of their kind.

\item[Size.] Firbolg are between 7 and 8 (eet tall and weigh
between 240 and 300 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

\item[Firbolg Magic.] You can cast detect magic and disguise
self with this trait, using Wisdom as your spell casting
ability for them. Once you cast either spell, you can't
cast it again with this trait until you finish a short or
long rest. When you use this version of disguise self, you
can seem up to 3 feet shorter than normal, allowing you
to more easily blend in with humans and elves.

\item[Hidden Step.] As a bonus action, you can magically
tum invisible until the start of your next turn or until
you attack, make a damage roll, or force someone to
make a saving throw. Once you use this trait, you can't
use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

\item[Powerful Build.] You count as one size larger when
determining your carrying capacity and the weight you
can push, drag, or lift.

\item[Speech of Beast and Leaf.] You have the ability to
communicate in a limited manner with beasts and
plants. They can understand the meaning of your words,
though you have no special ability to understand them in
return. You have advantage on all Charisma checks you
make to influence them.

\item[Languages.] You can speak, read, and write Common,
Elvish, and Giant.